Friday, August 6, 2010

Favorite Things Friday

1. ringtones. when either my momma, my sister, or my sister-in-law calls me, my phone starts cheerfully blasting Cyndi Lauper's "Girls just wanna have fun". I mean, not only does the music make me smile anyway, but just knowing that it's one of my 3 favorite ladies calling makes it that much better!

2. Teaching ZaZa new words. she likes to hear new words all the time and try them out, she has to know what things are called. sometimes I give her super long words (onomatopoeia and rhinoceros come to mind) for fun, but she's amazingly good at pronouncing them.

3. baking soda. this stuff is amazing. it takes the stink out of my diaper pail (I have one of those "in the fridge" boxes with the cloth sides sitting at the bottom), the man funk out of gym clothes, and I've been told you can use it to clean hair, although I'm waiting until I run out of my regular shampoo before I try it.

4. Bogie. I like to redecorate and rearrange furniture, and he's quite patient with me when I start moving stuff, even if it's to a spot that he suggested that particular item should go in the first place and I vehemently insisted I didn't want there. until now.

5. my new camera. I got a new camera, this thing's a beast (3 lenses, filters, all kinds of buttons and knobs) I barely know how to use it yet but I'm so excited to learn! anyone willing to give hands-on tutorials, speak up!

1 comment:

  1. my hubby uses baking soda for deoderant! add water, make a paste...rub it on. it really works! he literally smells like nothing at the end of the day!! there's a backup for ya! :)
